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Runyon Canyon

Whether you are a visitor, movie star, workout enthusiast or just want to walk your dog, if you are in the Hollywood area Runyon Canyon is where you will eventually end up. With tremendous views of Los Angeles and some pretty remarkable people watching, this local Hollywood staple is the perfect urban hike no matter what time of year.

Things You Should Know

When Does It Take Place?

Year round! That's right, this park is open 365 days a year!

Where Does It Take Place?

Runyon Canyon

2000 N. Fuller Ave.,

Los Angeles, CA 90046


The park is open daily from dusk till dawn!


Absolutely Nothing!

Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me...

Parking can be tough. You may end up driving a bit before finding a spot. You can park further away but you will have to walk up some steep hills to get to the entrance. (I like to think of it as a pre-workout.)

There are actually three trails you can take. The trail all the way to the left of the entrance is the steepest. The middle trail is also to the left of the entrance. It is paved the entire way up, is the busiest and probably the easiest of the three. The third trail, which is straight ahead from the entrance - often referred to as “The Steps”, is a happy medium. But don't be fooled those steps will kick your butt.

Make sure you check the weather.

If it's hot, bring water. It can be a brutal climb. There is a drink and snack station located at the main entrance and they do accept cash and Venmo. (Tech rocks!)

If you feel yourself overheating, take a break.

Ask someone for help or call an ambulance, you are in the middle of the city.

They offer classes like yoga and boxing from time to time.

Check postings on bulletin boards in the park.

You might see a celebrity or two.

Don’t be surprised, it happens quite often. You might also see a ton of yoga pants and people running the trails in questionable outfits. It is Hollywood after all.

You can bring your dog!

Make sure to obey the postings and make sure they have enough water. They can overheat easily on hot days! Please pick up after your pet.

You can lose anything, including your keys!

Yes, it does happen on this hike. Check one of the bulletin boards at the main entrance. If anything is found people generally leave them there.

Watch out for the wildlife.

There are snake and coyote sightings in this area. Be careful to avoid them. If you have a pet keep a watchful eye on them.

Things You Will Need at Runyon Canyon

Sunscreen! This is so important! If it's hot out, it can roast you!

Comfortable Shoes.You are not out in the wilderness, so you don't need hiking shoes but you don't want to wear sandals. Gym shoes are perfect for this hike.

Water Bottle. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Money. There is a water and snack area at the main entrance. They take cash and Venmo.

Poop Bags (For dog owners). If you bring your dog please bring something to pick up their mess. Let's keep our parks and our shoes clean. No one wants to step in that mess!

Camera. Cell phones work great! The views are awesome especially on a clear day.

Back-up Charger. Believe me, it saved me so many times while I was out there. There's nothing worse than having your phone die.

Music. If you come solo then just throw on some headphones and enjoy the day.

Sunglasses. It can be bright out. Also…nobody likes to be caught staring.

Stamina. While not a difficult hike, it has been known to leave even the best in shape winded.


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